Saturday, October 18, 2008

.movie marathon.

watched couple of movies last week
first movie..

flight of the living dead : outbreak on the plane

Susan's rating : 6/10

okay.i must admit..
there are certain part of the movie that frightens me kao kao
but dont think its my fault though
must be the sound effect's fault.LOL

but overall,it was more on a funny movie rather than a scary movie
please do not get con by the poster..
not that scary at all

some hottie and hunks spotted in this movie *drools*
and obviously..
my favorite characters would be truman and frank

truman is so freaking hot
and frank just makes me LOL throughout the movie..

favourite quoteS from the movie:

Frank: [after saving Megan] You alright? no bites?
Megan: But we thought... we thought...
Frank: What? That it was me gnawing on the passengers? Nah, I'm a vegetarian.

Frank: [being attacked by a zombie old woman with no teeth] She's gumming me to death.

second movie..


Susan's rating : 7/10

watched it mainly because of ANNA FARIS
LOL.been huge fans of her works since last time
ever since "hot chicks"

a cool actors and actress
hunkiez like colin hanks and tyson ritter from the all-American Rejects.
hotties like katharine mcphee and rumer willis
well,basically,all the ZETA girls are pretty

and this is such a BIMBOTIC movie..
especially shelley.
just makes me LOL everytime she's trying to remember a person's name

well, was just a so-so movie..
as in the plot..
must be putting too much of hope on this movie
since it was an highly anticipated movie..

as what susando's friend said
"disappointments only occur when you have expectations"

true enough..

Shelley: They're kicking me out?
Marvin: Maybe it's because of your age.
Shelley: But I'm 27.
Marvin: But that's 59 in Bunny Years.


psst:just realised that i mentioned a lot on hottie and hunks in the movie rather than the plot..what the heck right?

am waiting patiently for High School Musical 3..


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