Saturday, June 21, 2008

.insomnia sucks.

guess what?
i sleeps at 8am and wakes up at 1pm sharp.
seriously.i am telling the truth
and how on earth did i do that?
frankly.i DONT KNOW.LOL
and i dont feel tired at all.

and throughout this month
i have been totally sleepless for two days in a row ..
and it happens TWICE..
and how on earth did i stay awake?
LOL.the advantage of having computer in your room
that's why!!!

but sucks!
how on earth do i have insomnia problem?
i am seriously worried how am i going to survive my uni life?
i dont think TWO BIGGO ALARM CLOCKS will wakes me up

conclusion is.i hate being insomnia!!


P/S::i just did one test on "seven deadly sins" from elene's blog and according to the test,my BIGGEST sin would be SLOTH.i can predict that but what is so freaking unbelievable is that my GLUTTONY is on medium rate.LOL.yea yea.i dont believe it myself either.haha!

took it during their mini concert in HARD ROCK CAFE last year..ROCK ON!!


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