Sunday, September 27, 2009

♥♥ 21 ♥♥

i wasnt referring to the black jack on my title okay? =.=
geesh.this shows that i am actually an addict on gamble huh?LOL

i am finally 21 years old people~
no fears on entering to the casino even though i got mistaken as a malay
no fears on entering clubs that only restricted to those who are above 21
no fears of going home late
okay.i was wrong on that.
i still have my good ol' curfew but dad started being a bit loose on me?
i can come back around 1 or 2?geesshh

and special credit to cheryl on the following ideas:
officially to drink,drank and drunk
not to worry of being called mature or adult
no worries when police come for spot check in clubs
not lame enough
the lamest of all is
"we can start looking for matured clothes and no more kiddy clothes"
not much difference actually as we're wearing like grown up

i wonder why am i clique with her
she's so lame and yet,i'm so cool~
cheh wah =.=

♥♥ the sayang with me ♥♥


anyway,special thanks to people (babes,dudes,bros,sis) who send me wishes through facebook,text messages and even calls.
totally appreciates it~♥♥

last but not least
a very big thank you to
my babe of the babes cheryl, brandon, clarice, ryan, teoh wei, wey ping as well as marvin who have celebrated with me just now
thanks and sorry again.haha~

18 hours to go til my birthday ends and til my mom's birthday
ya.her birthday is on 28th september
its pretty sad thing that i cant celebrate with her since i'll be stucking myself in UM



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