Sunday, July 19, 2009

.the truth.

Do you feel like a man when you push her around?
Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

totally addicted Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
most of their songs are catchy and meaningful

life is getting busier with dance practices for this coming performance
superb excited with it as i finally get the chance to KRUMP
even though its just a small part of whole dance
we'll be dancing various kind of dances.wee

so please come and see me and yen perform if you are free on 4th of august okay?

i must admit, with such hectic life,
i have totally lost my passion towards blogging
and guess what?
i've been sick for the past few days ..not AGAIN Huh?
i can sleep whenever and whereever i wanted to

even pei yee amazed with that

oh's a little updates on my life as a second year undergraduates in UM

first of all, i'm no longer staying in A110 with sim hong the mother and tina the daughter
i've moved up up up above to B303 which is the highest floor of all
with beloved pei yee and my dear shu chi

and i clean my room's fan on my own!
okay.i am showing off again.hahaha

more updates soon

psst : i'm feeling a little bit weird with myself for the past two days. i just dont know why.

-help me-

Well, let me tell you, my friend,
ONE DAY this world is going to end,
as your lies crumble down,
one day she will tell you she has had enough,

a NEW LIFE she has found!

-much loves from Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, face down-

*in love with this song, both accoustic and original version*

pictures of the SS trio again
a picture of me and yen with NO make up at all


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