Monday, January 4, 2010


Oh, what a shame,
what a rainy ending given to a perfect day.
Happy New Year People!
I bet everyone had a great celebration huh?
Me too even though the countdown is rather fast and short ;)
So here I am
Blogging while I am sick,
I miss my voice so much, As for now, I sounded like a dude who trapped in a babe's body
Skipped classes as I sprained my superbly fragile ankle
I've started my early days of year 2010 with scars, sickness and many more
I just lost my brand new superbly HOT shoes
Its not about the price, but I just simply adore the shoes so much
What can I conclude on my Malacca trip is
Since there is nothing much that I can do right now
Takes some of the free time to reminiscence on year 2009
There are things that I have accomplished and am proud of it
But there are also things that I rather be upset with
Or shall I say, my life has been like a roller coaster
superbly theatrical
in every aspects
Friends, Family, Love, Education, Dance, and Excitement
People come and go
I've gained so much and yet, I've lost so much too
Each and everyone of you has giving me the best time of my life
Living footsteps on my memoirs
I cherish all good moments
I'll learned my lesson through bad moments
Trying to be a stronger and wiser person
Particularly to be a better person
I'm sorry I'm bad, I'm sorry you're blue,
I'm sorry about all the things I said to you,
I know I cant take it back,
I just wanted to say I'm sorry.

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